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Science Fusion

The Second Graders of Rome 205 will have one period of Science each week. 


Science Fusion is our science curriculum at Holy Cross.The children will also go to the Science Lab. I will also supplement with other lessons and materials. The students will not be graded for this subject.


In Second grade we will explore a variety of topics:Weight and Volume, Animals, Health and Hygiene, Exploring Electricity, and Earth's surface.


The Scientific Method is used throughout the program. In the Primary Grades we will focus on Observe and Inquire. We will be in the science lab for many science lessons!

Please check the website for updates on our current science lesson.


This week in Science: May 25th we will use to learn about The Life Cycle of Monarchs 

The article will guide the children to recognize the stages in the life cycle of a butterfly.  They will learn the stages of a butterfly, answer questions, and watch a video.

Go to when the link comes up go to Students Join a lesson  and put in the Code 

(Code for the week of May 25th      KJGBQ       (use all capital letters)

and your child can learn about the The Life Cycle of a Monarchs


Scholastic News article Butterflies are Back! 

The children will track the migration patterns and life cycle of the monarch butterflies. 

Read the news article, explore Vocabulary, watch a video, and play a game.

Directions:Scholastic News (on line)  Click the link above (Scholastic News)  go to login  I am a Student

it will say Welcome!  classroom password PHF8977    (all capital letters)  sign in go to all issue, scroll down to May 2020 to Listen and Read On Level. 


The Scientific Method

1. Ask a Question-observe and wonder about a science topic.

2. Make a Hypothesis-make an educated guess to answer your question.

3. Conduct an Experiment-follow steps to test your hypothesis.

4. Collect Data-record your observations and then outcomes of your experiment.

5. Analyze Information-reflect on the results.

6. Report Results-communicate your results by report,graph, or presentation.

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